The Bouquet Brunch - New Bedford Whaling Museum

The Bouquet Brunch

The Bouquet Brunch

With a Vintner and a Botanist

Sunday, May 2, 2021 | 11:30 a.m.

The Bouquet Brunch

With a Vintner and a Botanist
Sunday, May 2, 2021 | 11:30 a.m.

Thanks to our event sponsor:


Set your best Sunday brunch table and join the New Bedford Whaling Museum from home for a unique interactive experience, featuring regional wine and flower bouquets.

With your paid reservation, you will be eligible to win wonderful prizes – over 50 giveaways! – including great wines with some bottles valued at $100 +, flower bouquet growing kits, Museum Gift Memberships, Museum Store gift certificates and more! Prizes will be awarded throughout the brunch hour. Participants will also receive access to an exclusive auction featuring a handful of unique packages, not available anywhere else.

Enter the "Best in Show" tablescaping competition for the most creative, impeccably set table (by submitting a photo) for a chance to win a beautiful live botanical arrangement from Avant Gardens and an Associate Membership for yourself or to give as a gift. To enter the tablescaping contest and/or vote, click HERE.

The "Budding" admission package is $125 and includes:

  • chance to win multiple prizes (50+ giveaways)
  • access to the exclusive auction

The "Full Bloom" admission package is $500 (available for local pick-up only) and includes:

  • brunch package, including charcuterie for two, bottle of wine & flower bouquet
  • chance to win multiple prizes (50+ giveaways)
  • access to exclusive auction