Old Dartmouth Historical Sketch No. 5 - New Bedford Whaling Museum


Number 5

Being the proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Old Dartmouth Historical Society, New Bedford, Massachusetts, on March 31, 1904

Containing the following reports:


[Note.—The "Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches" will be published from time to time and may be purchased for a nominal sum on application to the Secretary.]

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Old Dartmouth Historical Society
New Bedford, Massachusetts
March 31, 1904

The first annual meeting of the Old Dartmouth Historical Society was held Thursday in the society's permanent rooms, amid the whaling paraphernalia, South Sea island curios, and other interesting objects which constitute a part of the Museum exhibition, which has been the society's most noteworthy achievement. There was a small attendance. Reports were read by the secretary and the treasurer and the chairmen of the museum, education, historical research and publication sections–all of them indicating a remarkable progress on the part of the society during the first ten months of its existence.

President William W. Crapo presided, and first called for the report of the directors, which was read by former Secretary Ellis L. Howland.

Report of the Directors
by Ellis L. Howland, Secretary

Not till two months hence will the Old Dartmouth Historical Society attain its first birthday. But in reporting the accomplishments of a brief ten months, the directors feel that the society is to be congratulated on so vigorous a start. Few indeed are the organizations of its class which can point to so much real progress in so short a time, or to a better spirit of enthusiasm as a promise for the future.

The subject of forming a local historical society has been debated periodically for considerably over half a century, but not till last May did it assume any tangible form. What transpired then, grew out of a preliminary series of events, which had a bearing on the formation of the society but can hardly be said to have been a part of the real project. On Jan. 16, 1903, at a meeting of the Unity club, a paper had been presented, arguing in favor of such a society and the establishment of a general museum. As a result of that meeting and discussion, a committee was appointed to co-operate with another committee chosen from the historically inclined gentlemen who had promoted the erection of the Gosnold memorial shaft on Cuttyhunk. It would be difficult, therefore, to say just which of the two movements–the Unity club or the Gosnold memorial enterprise–was the seed of which our society of today is the fruition.

This joint committee studied the problem of organizations carefully, patterned its plan after the ripe experience of other societies, and on May 22, invited the public to attend a meeting for formal organization. At that public meeting, held in the Unitarian chapel, a plan of organization was discussed, adopted, and a society was definitely formed with a membership at that time of almost 100.

At the first meeting of the directors, May 28, 1903, a committee was appointed to secure incorporation. They proceeded with the necessary preliminaries and on Aug. 10, the secretary of state issued a charter. The incorporators met on July 22 and organized under the charter. By this time the membership of the unincorporated body had reached 430 and these were voted into the corporation. It was also voted to leave the charter list open till it had reached 600 and with this number it was closed on Nov. 19.

Under the plan of organization, four general utilities were provided for–the museum, the historical research department, the educational section and the publication section. As rapidly as was convenient, these have been organized and started into activity. The museum, historical research and educational sections have all displayed marked activity and have achieved success. The work of the publication section has been thus far performed under the personal supervision of the secretary, but it is expected soon to organize this like the others. The several committees will submit the details of their work in separate reports.

As early as June 26, the directors voted in favor of leasing these rooms as temporary quarters for our first museum. Such a lease was negotiated for a term of three years, and later the front portion was sub-leased to Dr. Dwight at a rental of four-fifths the entire sum we had agreed to pay. Therefore, it will be seen that the society has admirable rooms at hardly more than a nominal expense. The fitting of these rooms and the opening of our loan exhibition on Feb. 15 will be reported in detail by the museum section. The directors, however, are proud of what has already been gathered as a nucleus of the future museum. We look forward to a remarkable growth from this already creditable display.

The general work of the society has largely been in the proceedings of the quarterly meetings held under the bylaws. Four of these meetings, including tonight's, have already been held, in June, September, December and March. The attendance has been large and enthusiastic at all these sessions and the papers read have been valuable contributions to the historical literature of Old Dartmouth. Among the subjects presented have been the following:

"Gosnold and His Colony at Cuttyhunk," by Annie Russell Wall.

"The Modern Settlement at Cuttyhunk," by Elizabeth Watson.

"The Gosnold Memorial Shaft and Something of the Geology of Cuttyhunk," by Walton Ricketson.

"Landmarks of Russells Mills," by Myra B. Howland.

"Traditions of Padanaram," by L. Arthur Littlefield.

"The Padanaram Salt Industry," by Ellis L. Howland.

"Ten Old Homes," by Henry B. Worth.

"Peleg Slocum of Dartmouth and his Wife, Mary Holder," by William A. Wing.

"The King Philip War in Dartmouth," by Captain Thomas R. Rodman.

The secretary, acting in lieu of the publication section, has had these papers prepared for publication in accordance with a uniform style and at a nominal price, in order that members may from time to time secure the papers and eventually bind them.

Though scarcely a part of the recorded proceedings of this society, one important event in which the officers of this organization participated was the dedication of the Gosnold Memorial shaft on the island of Cuttyhunk, on Sept. 2, 1903. The shaft had been erected by a committee of gentlemen interested in perpetuating the site of the first English settlement in North America, on an islet of about an acre in extent, in Cuttyhunk pond. Upon its completion formal dedicatory exercises were held and several of the officers of this society were invited to attend. At the conclusion of that dedication, the shaft, with the islet on which it stands, were [formally] deeded to this society for all time.

The membership of this society has grown steadily from the day of organization. At the present time it numbers 672, of whom 16 are life members. It is doubtful if any such organization ever attained such a membership in so short a time. Another remarkable feature of our success has been that all our activities have been pursued and supported from the proceeds of membership dues, $1 each. Most of our available funds have been expended, but it is a satisfaction to know that they have gone into permanent improvements and we have something to show for every dollar we have expended. Considering that our total income has been so small and the accomplishments of ten months so great, we regard the net results as particularly gratifying.

Fortunately the directorate has been substantially the same throughout the whole period of hard work as at the first meeting for organization. Upon receipt of the charter, the board passed the necessary technical votes converting the unincorporated body into the new corporation, and with the same officers with the exception of Cortez Allen of Westport, who resigned as a director early in the year. He was succeeded by Edward L. Macomber of Westport.

On Feb. 12 the secretary handed his resignation to the directors with a request that it be immediately acted upon in order that he might relinquish the duties on account of his removal from the city. The resignation was accepted and Miss Elizabeth Watson was chosen secretary pro tem. During a large part of the year, however, the directorate has been as follows:

President–William W. Crapo.

Vice presidents–George H. Tripp and Thomas R. Rodman.

Secretary–Ellis L. Howland.

Treasurer–Lloyd S. Swain.

Directors–Henry H. Rogers of Fairhaven; Charles W. Clifford and Elizabeth Watson of New Bedford, three years; William B. Goeghegan and Ida M. Eliot of New Bedford and James L. Gillingham of Fairhaven, two years; Charles S. Randall of New Bedford, Charles W. Howland of Dartmouth and Edward L. Macomber of Westport, one year.

This board had held eight meetings during the year and its proceedings have been marked by harmony and enthusiasm.

The present directors, at various times, have discussed numerous projects which it is hoped will come to fruition in the future. It is hoped that all the sections will enlarge their usefulness and seek to enlist others in their activities. It is our hope someday to own a museum building of our own and various proposed buildings have already been discussed. We also look forward to a time when we shall enjoy the advantage of a permanent endowment fund with which to make our work more effective. In the publication section, it has been proposed to engage in a wider range of publishing historical pamphlets and valuable works now out of print; to publish in popular form works not available at reasonable rates; and to collect information on certain subjects and bring it into convenient and compact form.

In our museum there should be much more than there is today. One famous relic we have in mind and on which we hold options, is the Russell panorama. We hope to be able to purchase it, to exhibit it at a price, and raise a sufficient sum to pay for it. It is a particularly valuable relic of the whaling industry and should find a resting place in this society's possession. The marking of historic sites is a future work we have not yet undertaken, but which offers a field for much usefulness.

The directors feel that for ten months we have accomplished wonders; far more than we had really expected. We feel that the public of New Bedford has heartily welcomed the advent of the society and has shown it every encouragement. With such a start, there is little ground for doubt of the future permanence of the organization. The field is limitless and so long as the society continues its activity we feel that it will find ample encouragement.

Report of the Treasurer
by Lloyd S. Swain, Treasurer

Life membership, 16 at $25           $400.00
Year membership, 616 at $1             616.00
Loan exhibition           676.90
Publication account, pamphlets sold   7.40
Museum account, door receipts           1.90
Gross $1702.20
Deposited with New Bedford Institution
for Savings, life memberships      400.00

Publication account           $41.25
Expense account                347.12
Museum account               243.72
Loan exhibition                   659.74


Balance on hand                  10.37


Report of the Museum Section
by Annie Seabury Wood, Secretary

The Old Dartmouth Historical Society is holding its first annual meeting tonight.

The museum section is but seven months old, for the first meeting of its members was held on the 28th of last August. These rooms had already been leased for a term of three and one-half years, and had been cleaned and renovated. One long table, which the chairman announced was to serve as a model for others, a sofa, once the property of John Avery Parker, and some camp chairs hired for that occasion were the sole furnishings of the rooms. Plans of organization and of future work were discussed, sub-committees were formed, and even at this early date the subject of the loan exhibition was talked over. Enthusiasm was rampant, and the long deferred museum, which all New Bedford knew should have been started years ago, was at last under way. Every two weeks a meeting was held, and at every meeting something was developed.

The first three gifts to the museum were: Daniel Ricketson's History of New Bedford; William Wall's painting of the Landing of Bartholomew Gosnold; and a bound volume of sea letters, which were indentures issued by the government to New Bedford ships, and signed by the presidents and secretaries of state. Then some old maps and account books came along, a musket used in the defense of Old Dartmouth, a water color by Benjamin Russell, a sampler, some shells and an American and an English flag. Some fine old pieces of furniture were loaned us, and one of our members picked up a lot of show cases in Boston at a great bargain. The trustees of the library were our friends, and gave us permission to take from the High school such part of the old Natural History collection as seemed fitting for our uses. Our collection of whaling implements began to grow, and then we felt that our raison d'être was established.

The next thing to do seemed to be to hold a loan exhibition. After this, there were busy days and nights for us. Very lengthy discussions at night as to how to manage it, and very strenuous efforts through the day to manage it all, sometimes made our stout hearts quail, but we rose triumphant over obstacles, made stepping stones of stumbling blocks, and we feel that we earned a right to be distinctly proud of our success. We haven't much to say about the money that we hoped to pour into the treasury of the society, but at least we paid all our debts, we fitted up the permanent rooms, and, best of all, we aroused an interest in the community that nothing else would have done. We are greatly indebted to the generosity of our members and of the citizens of Old Dartmouth in loaning us their treasures so willingly, and I take this occasion, on behalf of the museum committee, to thank all who contributed in any way to the success of the exhibition. The interest, once aroused, must not be allowed to die out, and we call upon our members to work together to that end. Let the spirit of generosity, of fairness, and, above all, of optimism, prevail and success will be ours.

Our growth from the first has been steady and gratifying, and we are already petitioning the directors for more room. The South Sea Island and Eskimau collections have assumed very creditable proportions, and the whaling implements form the nucleus for a museum which we hope in time to make representative and unique. I make a special plea here for figure heads and stern boards of vessels, and for ivories carved and etched and polished at sea. Beautiful things we want too, and sometime, when we are big enough and old enough and altogether worthy, a beautiful home to put all our things in.

Plans for the future are being made; it has been suggested that we hold special exhibits from time to time, and it is hoped every year to give, under the auspices of the society, an exhibition of some sort which will quicken and add to the art life of New Bedford.

A report is hardly a report without a plea for money at the end, and money is certainly a most essential part of this enterprise. Money, then, we need, but we need, too, on the part of our members, good fellowship, union, and a willingness to work; on the part of the society, continued support; and on the part of the community, generosity, sympathy and a substantial interest.

If we work together in the best spirit and with a belief in ourselves and in the future, I am sure a museum will be established that every citizen of Old Dartmouth will love and be proud of.

Report of the Historical Research Section
by Henry B. Worth, Chairman

This section presents the following report on its object, method and progress:

As soon as the membership of the association could be examined, the following persons were invited to assist in collecting and preserving the facts of local history: Edward T. Tucker, William L. Sayer, Allen F. Wood, Walter S. Allen, Edward Denham, John J. Howland, William A. Wing, Thomas A. Thornton, Thomas H. Knowles, Fred S. Potter, Job C. Tripp, John H. Howland, Job S. Gidley, Benjamin J. Potter, L. Arthur Littlefield, Gilbert N. Collins, Oliver Prescott, Elmore P. Haskins, Frank W. Howland, A. M. Goodspeed, George H. Tripp, James L. Gillingham, Edward L. Macomber, Clement Yeager, Elizabeth Watson, Gertrude H. Leonard, Ella H. Read, Mary A. Austin, Clara B. Watson, Helen H. Seabury, Carrie E. Hicks, Lydia M. Church, Mrs. F. A. Washburn, Mrs. D. T. Devoll.

At the outset the historical works concerning Old Dartmouth were found incomplete and not covering the entire subject. Ricketson's history related to New Bedford and touched but lightly on the first settlers. The large volume by L. B. Ellis was a reprint of articles contributed to the press under the title Military History of New Bedford, and much is written from that point of view. The proceedings of the celebration of 1864 contain some valuable matter, but the beginning of accurate historical investigation began with the oration of William W. Crapo at the Centennial celebration in 1876, which was printed with an appendix containing copies of many historical documents. Rev. William J. Potter followed the same plan in the publication of his discourses on the First Church of Dartmouth. Dr. Tucker has prepared works on the origin and development of the local Society of Friends. In all of these the first sources of information were consulted and consequently their statements are thoroughly reliable. The work of Elisha C. Leonard was confined chiefly to a logical genealogy.

But when it is essential to obtain information as to the early settlers, whence they came, where they resided, their occupation, property, intellectual attainments, church affiliations, aims, struggles, and contention in politics, religion, and business, what provision they arranged for educating the young, what was the standard of morality, and their manners and customs, no work can be found relating to such details.

Then there is the defect in the early histories characteristic of works of that day, that the authors did not discriminate between fact and fiction. Francis Baylies of Taunton about 1830 wrote a book on the Old Colony, and in the few lines on Dartmouth appears this assertion: "Ralph Russell and Anthony Slocum, two settlers of Taunton, were among the first settlers of Dartmouth." This statement was accepted, extensively copied and embellished, until finally the form was reached that Ralph Russell came to Dartmouth in 1652 and established an iron forge on Paskamansett River at a place name from him, Russell Mills. A few years ago this proposition was discovered to be in serious conflict with the public records of that date, and an investigation was made which clearly indicates that the statement of Baylies with its subsequent additions, was nothing but conjecture. Such incidents emphasize the necessity of consulting original sources, and preserving ancient documents.

The object of this section, therefore, is to collect and preserve all historical data depending on first and authentic sources.

The best method to attain this object seems to be to recommend members to investigate the lives and doings of the ancestors and their families, and such other subjects as taste, experience and opportunity may prescribe, thus focusing the attention and study on single topics. In pursuance of this plan at the December meeting, three papers were presented illustrating the method proposed. When the subjects have been fully investigated and all facts collected from land records, wills, inventories, town records, and family history which can be authenticated, the results will be place in papers and the same presented as the association may require at its quarterly meetings, and printed or filed in its archives. A single illustration will show the plan.

Adam Mott was a blacksmith at Smith Mills. The records of the town of Portsmouth show that the family came from that locality. The land records indicate that his shop was a few yards south of the present saw mill, that he lived on the farm not many years ago owned and occupied by Joseph Gifford, and later by Luthan Potter. Leonard's genealogies indicate that he married Apphia, daughter of Thomas Hathaway. In the probate office it appears that he died about 1767, leaving the bulk of his property to his son Thomas. Then Frederick S. Potter has the old ledger used by the Motts, father and son, in the blacksmith business from 1740 to 1810, and here may be found the customers, character of the work, cost of nails, and other iron materials, and the amount of business. The probate and land records show that this Thomas Mott died in 1818, leaving to collateral kindred his comfortable fortune gathered in the thrifty business for the Quaker relatives and friends.

It is evident that papers prepared along these lines on the early settlers, land owners, and famous men in Old Dartmouth will not only be agreeable work in the preparation, and delightful to read, but exceedingly valuable for future reference.

The interest of the members in this method of investigation is very encouraging. There are in preparation, papers on the Change of Boundary Line Between Dartmouth and Rochester; Industries on the Upper Acushnet; the Cook Garrison and Its Excavation; Colonel Seth Pope; Reminiscences of Fairhaven Schools Since 1850; the Allen Family; William Palmer; the Macomber Family; Women Passengers on Whaling Voyages; Old Buildings Along the New Bedford Water Front; Fitting Out a Whaler; Courtship and Marriage Among the Early Friends. Many other subjects are ready to be assigned, as members can be found who will undertake the work. Two are making a special study of the Land Records to determine the lines of old layouts, preparation of plans, and the location of farms, homesteads, houses, and places of historic interest. From this investigation it will be possible for the association to identify, in such manner as may seem wise, historic spots and buildings.

In the files of the New Bedford Mercury and Standard have been printed many columns of great historic value. General E. W. Pierce of Freetown, contributed many letters on the Colonial militia, valuable articles on the British invasion, landmarks in New Bedford in 1787, and the origin of the Roman Catholic church.

A card index is nearly complete, containing over 2000 references, by which a person can refer to all that has appeared on any subject in these newspapers. It will be placed in the public library, where the files of the papers are kept.

From all this it will appear that the work of this section will be by individuals, and that it is likely to continue for many months to come. And when all these subjects have been investigated and all the facts collected, it will be possible for some historian to combine the same into a history of the old town, which will be entirely reliable and authentic.

Report of the Publication Section
by Ellis L. Howland

The publication section of the Old Dartmouth Historical Society has not yet organized. At a meeting of the directors on June 30, Walter H. B. Remington was appointed chairman, but on account of the press of other duties he resigned before any organization was effected.

The secretary assumed the duties of the section for immediate necessities and has since performed the duties. These have consisted chiefly of publishing the proceedings of our meetings from type of newspaper reports of our sessions, and in saving from destruction other newspaper articles on historical subjects in the expectation of publishing them later. Our pamphlets have been issued in an inexpensive form and sold at a nominal fee, which has given them a ready sale.

Already we have issued proceedings of the quarterly meetings of June, September, and December, and a pamphlet containing the proceedings at the dedication of the Gosnold memorial shaft. These may be had of the secretary at a small fee. They are published in a uniform size to assist convenience in binding.

The publication work should include a number of subjects not yet undertaken. It is hoped at some day to assemble all the available information about Gosnold and his colony and compile it into one book which shall be a standard work on Gosnold. It has also been proposed to publish a popular priced edition of Church's Indian Wars, a particularly valuable work which has long been out of print, and which should be in the hands of every member of this society.

The field for this line of the society's activity is without bound; it should be limited only by the financial conditions. When the section is fully organized it may prove one of the most valuable utilities of the society.

Report of the Educational Section
by William E. Sargent, Chairman

The Educational Department has not made a formal organization, and what work has been done has been among a few persons interested in the correlation of the historical interests and the educational interests in this vicinity, rather in the way of preparation for the future, than to accomplish anything for this year.

This has been in the nature of informal conferences upon the opportunities for work of this kind, and what may be done to bring these things to the attention of the great number of young people and children whom we hope to interest.

We hope in the future to bring a good many matters of local interest to the attention of the young people, and in return to learn many other items of interest from these many eyes and ears that we expect to set to work.

Lecturers, teachers of history in the schools, and those who have seen much that is historically valuable will furnish the means of reaching the young people.

There is an important field for the department, and the results ought to be of value equal to those of the other departments.


The following letter from Ellis L. Howland, secretary of the society, was read:

New Bedford, Feb. 12, 1904

To the Directors of the Society, Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is with deep sense of personal regret that I hereby tender to you my resignation as secretary of this society. Having been solicitously interested in the society from its very inception, I had hoped to remain an active factor in its utilities till it was firmly established for a vigorous future, and to sunder my relations at this time, just as the organization is showing its probabilities of survival and growth, is a sincere disappointment to me. However, in view of my prospective removal from the city, I feel that the interests of the society call for my resignation from the secretaryship, at least.

I desire that my temporary successor be selected at once, in order that the work may be pursued without interruption or delay, though I would be pleased to remain with the directorate if the society so desires.

Sincerely yours,

Ellis L. Howland.

Mr. Howland's resignation was report upon as follows by a committee of directors:

"In accepting the resignation of Ellis L. Howland from the office of secretary, it is eminently fitting that the Old Dartmouth Historical Society record its appreciation of the earnest efforts and untiring zeal with which Mr. Howland has labored for its success.

Probably to him more than to any one person is due the credit for the inception of this society, to which he has given such faithful and enthusiastic service; and the society is deeply grateful, and with regret at his resignation extends congratulations on his professional advancement.

George H. Tripp,

Walton Ricketson,


The following officers were elected:

President–William W. Crapo.

Vice presidents–George H. Tripp, Thomas R. Rodman.

Secretary–Elizabeth Watson.

Treasurer–Lloyd S. Swain.

Directors (for three years)–Charles S. Randall, Charles W. Howland, Edward L. Macomber; for two years, Ellis L. Howland (to fill unexpired term of Elizabeth Watson, resigned), Mrs. Clement N. Swift (to fill unexpired term of Charles W. Clifford, resigned). And the following whose terms of office have not expired: Henry H. Rogers, William B. Geoghegan, Ida M. Eliot, James L. Gillingham.

Mr. Howland said he had been in correspondence with President Wolkins of the Old South Historical society of Boston and that there is a possibility that the annual pilgrimage may be made to this city the coming summer. From 200 to 300 members will come.

E. Norris Milliken suggested that a photograph department be started. It was decided to bring the matter before the board of directors.

The meeting then adjourned.

By-Laws of the Old Dartmouth Historical Society


The name of the Association shall be OLD DARTMOUTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY.


The object of this Society shall be to create and foster an interest in the history of the territory included in old Dartmouth: namely, the present city of New Bedford, and the towns of Fairhaven, Acushnet, Dartmouth, and Westport; to promote historical research; to collect documents and relics, and to provide for their proper custody; to take and hold historic sites and to provide proper care for them.


The officers of this society shall be a President, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and nine Directors, who shall be chosen by the Society and together shall constitute the Executive Board. The Directors shall be chosen three for three years, three for two years, and three for one year at the first election of officers. At succeeding elections three shall be elected each year to serve for a period of three years.

In choosing directors it shall be the policy of the Society to give representation to each town named in Article II as well as to said city, but this provision shall not affect the eligibility of the persons elected.

All officers, other than the Directors, shall be elected annually for one year or until their successors are chosen.


There shall be four regular meetings each year: in the months of March, June, September and December.

The meeting in March shall be the annual meeting.


The present members of the Old Dartmouth Historical Society, an unincorporated society, shall on and after the close of this meeting be members of the Society.

Any resident or native of, or any person whose ancestor was a resident or native of New Bedford, Fairhaven, Acushnet, Dartmouth, or Westport, shall be eligible to membership.

The word "resident" shall mean any person who is or has been a resident.

Persons may be admitted as Honorary or Corresponding Members by the Executive Board, with all the rights and privileges of membership, except voting and holding office. Applications for membership shall be made to the Secretary and shall be acted upon by the Executive Board.


SECTION 1. The active work of this Society shall be divided and assigned, according to its character, to various Sections to be designated and established by the Society as they shall be deemed necessary.

SECTION 2. The original Sections shall be as follows: The Museum Section, the Historical Research Section, the Educational Section, and the Publication Section. The chairman of each Section shall be appointed by the Executive Board.

SECTION 3. Each Section shall have its own internal organization, shall have full charge of its special work, provided that all its proceedings shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Board, and its actions may be revised and rescinded by said Board, if deemed necessary.

SECTION 4. The Museum Section shall have full charge of the museum of the Society and shall be the custodian of the curiosities and relics; but such donations and loans as are made shall be held in the name of the Society.

SECTION 5. The Historical Research Section shall have charge of the collection of all papers and pamphlets of the Society, books, documents and other properties not in the nature of relics, and may deposit the same in the Free Public Library of New Bedford, which shall be the custodian of such papers until other provision is made by the Society. But such donations shall remain the property of the Society. In case any dispute or doubt as to the classification of anything as a relic or a document, the Executive Board shall decide. This Section shall also have charge of the markings of historic sites under the direction of the Executive Board.

SECTION 6. The Educational Section shall take special charge of the work of promoting historical study along local lines in the schools; shall conduct lectures, and invite such school competitions in composition as it may deem wise; and generally shall aim to inspire interest in local history in the schools.

SECTION 7. The Publication Society shall from time to time publish such leaflets, maps, catalogs, etc., as shall be authorized by the Society.


SECTION 1. The annual dues shall be one dollar. No annual dues shall be required of Life, Honorary or Corresponding Members, and no annual dues for the first year shall be required of a member who has paid his dues for a year to the Old Dartmouth Historical Society, an unincorporated society.

SECTION 2. Any one may become a Life Member of the Society on the payment of twenty-five dollars; and the Life Members of the Old Dartmouth Historical Society, an unincorporated society, shall be Life Members of this Society without further payment of dues.


Vacancies in any of the offices of the Society may be filled by the Executive Board, but the person so appointed shall hold office only until the next annual meeting of the Society.


Amendments may be made at any meeting of the Society, provided that the substance of such amendments is stated in the call for the meeting, and shall be passed by the vote of two-thirds of those present.


A quorum shall consist of twenty members.