Whale Information Bibliography - New Bedford Whaling Museum

Whale Information Bibliography

Whale Information Bibliography

A suggested list of books and selected articles


Among Giants: A Life With Whales
Charles ‘Flip’ Nicklin, 2011, University of Chicago Press

Cetaceans: Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises
Mark Carwardine, 2002, Dorling Kindersley Publishing

Humpback Whales
Philip Clapham, 1996, Voyageur Press

Sperm Whales: Social Evolution in the Ocean
Hal Whitehead, 2003, University of Chicago Press

The Book of Whales
Richard Ellis, 1980, Knopf Press

The Great Sperm Whale: A Natural History of the World’s Most Magnificent and Mysterious Creature
Richard Ellis, 2011, University Press of Kansas

The Urban Whale: North Atlantic Right Whales at the Crossroads
Edited by Scott Kraus and Rosalind Rolland, 2009, Harvard University Press

Whales and Seals: Biology and Ecology
Pierre-Henry Fontaine, 2007 Schiffer Publishing Ltd.

Whales in the Classroom: Oceanography
Larry Wade, 2001, Singing Rock Press

Meet the Whales
Larry Wade, 1995, Singing Rock Press

The Whale: In Search of the Giants of the Sea
Philip Hoare, 2010, Harper Collins

Selected Articles

Fin Whale at Feeding Time (Carl Zimmer, NY Times 12/11/07)

How Ancient Whales Lost Their Legs, Got Sleek and Conquered the Oceans

Hear That? Bats and Whales Share Sonar Protein

Learning from Whales and Whalers on Top of the World