Professional Development - New Bedford Whaling Museum

Professional Development

Professional Development

Professional Development Workshops are hosted at various times throughout the year to let educators engage with Museum exhibitions, initiatives or projects through a particular focus area or theme. Please check the Museum’s website often or join our mailing list for updates on upcoming workshops.

2024 NEH Summer Institute for K-12 Educators: Moby-Dick and the World of Whaling in the Digital Age

June 23–28 online and July 7–19 at the New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, MA

Join scholars from the Melville Society Cultural Project and curators from the New Bedford Whaling Museum for a three-week hybrid Summer Institute (online June 23-28 and in New Bedford, Massachusetts, July 7-19, 2024) for 25 K-12 teachers focusing on Moby-Dick and the World of Whaling in the Digital Age. Participant teachers will encounter the dynamic worlds of Moby-Dick to: 1) better understand and appreciate Herman Melville’s literary power and interpret its wonders for their varied students; 2) ground this inquiry in the vital material culture of the major whaling port in the United States; and 3) draw on digital archives, tools, methods, and pedagogies as ways to respond to the challenges of diverse classrooms. This Institute will empower teachers from around the nation to journey boldly and immersively with their students into Moby-Dick and to dramatize the imperative value of the humanities as an essential force of social revitalization.

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.


The National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom